Congressmen Want National MS Registry // Current

Congressmen Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas) and Russ Carnahan (D-Missouri) introduced bi-partisan legislation to create a national registry to store information about Americans living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS.) The goal is to support future planning of health care needs, detect changes in health practices, assess disease burden, promote advocacy, and support a wide range of research initiatives.

The registry will also serve as a source of epidemiological information for researchers, healthcare providers, patients, and the broader MS community. Surprisingly, the last national study of incidence and prevalence of MS was conducted over 30 years ago in 1975.


This is really, really, REALLY amazing.

“World’s Most Powerful MRI Ready To Scan Human Brain

05 Dec 2007

The world’s most powerful medical magnetic resonance imaging machine, the 9.4 Tesla at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has successfully completed safety trials and may soon offer physicians a real-time view of biological processes in the human brain.Read more »


Compelling graphic showing the rise in obesity in the U.S over the past 20 years. The map shows the increase state by state from 1985 to 2006, and makes a strong impression through the use of color coding the percentages. The 1985 map shows a handful of states with 10-14% of their population overweight, then finishes with 2006 showing the majority of the U.S. saturated in red, indicating states with an obesity rate greater than 25%.
